Keeping in view the concern of the society for its life members and rising publishing cost DE proposes customised co-publishing program.

  The Services  includes assistance in

  1. Content Generation

  2. Copy Editing

  3. Composing & Printing

  4. E-Publishing

  5. Marketing & Promotion

  6. Access to Life members

  7. Indexing

  List of Journals co-published by us

  1. Asian Journal of Development Matters

  2. Asian Man (The) - An International Journal

  3. CIGRE India Journal  (International Council on Large Electric Systems)

  4. Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability

  5. Dynamics of Public Administration  

  6. Hydrology Journal  

  7. IASH Journal (International Association of Small Hydro)

  8. IIMS Journal of Management Science  (Indian Institute of Management, Shillong)

  9. INCOLD Journal (A Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Committee Large Dams)  

  10. Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

  11. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding

  12. Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement

  13. INROADS- An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jaipur National University

  14. ISRM (India) Journal (Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian National Group of Intl.Society of Rock Mechanics)

  15. IWRA (India) Journal (Half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Geographical Committee of Intl. Water Resources  Association)

  16. JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy  

  17. Journal of Commerce and Management Thought  

  18. Journal of Global Communication

  19. Journal of Immunology and Immunopathology

  20. Journal of Management Research  

  21. Journal of the International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission and Distribution

  22. Mass Communicator: A Journal of Communication Studies

  23. Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries

  24. NDC-WWC Journal (A half Yearly Journal of New Delhi Centre of World Water Council

  25. PEARL - A Journal of Library and Information Science

  26. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes   

  27. Power Engineer Journal  

  28. Quest- A journal of UGC-ASC Nainital  

  29. Siddhant - A Journal of Decision Making   

  30. TAI Journal (A half Yearly Technical Journal of Indian Chapter of Tunnelling Association of India)

  31. Training & Development Journal

  32. Values Based Management  

  33. Water and Energy International


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